Trifoil Imaging

our Mission

TriFoil Imaging, based in Chatsworth, CA, is a technology leader in the preclinical imaging industry. TriFoil Imaging offers the InSyTe FLECT/CT, a preclinical multi-modality imaging platform that combines the strengths of optical imaging in the form of fluorescence tomography with X-ray CT. The InSyTe FLECT/CT acquires both CT and fluorescence data in full 360°, an industry-first, for complete angle 3D tomographic imaging.

We also provide top notch service for current and legacy instruments, as well as applications-based support to our customers worldwide. TriFoil Imaging is dedicated to helping customers work towards the next scientific breakthroughs in medicine and biology.


3D Optical Imaging

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FLECT, or FLuorescence Emission Computed Tomography, is an optical molecular imaging method that utilizes a complete angle tomography data acquisition approach, similar to existing methods like PET, SPECT, MRI, or CT. Unique to FLECT is that the optical system is mounted on a gantry that is rotated around the animal, enabling full 360° in vivo acquisition of fluorescence emission. This approach is superior in accuracy and sensitivity compared to the raster scanning approaches used by other optical imaging instruments with limited angle fluorescence tomography capabilities. FLECT is designed for detection of near-infrared (NIR) fluorescence for deep tissue in vivo imaging in mice.


How it works

The InSyTe FLECT/CT is a small animal in vivo imaging platform that combines FLECT with inline X-ray CT to provide optical molecular imaging capability with anatomical reference. The FLECT subsystem is equipped with 4 NIR lasers (642 nm, 705 nm, 730 nm, 780 nm) and corresponding NIR fluorescence emission filters. The lasers are directed into the FLECT gantry and excite the fluorescence in the mouse. A ring of 48 photodiode detectors surrounding the mouse collect the emitted fluorescence.

By rotating the gantry around the subject, the region of interest is illuminated at different angles and the emitted fluorescence captured by the surrounding detectors. FLECT data is acquired in 1 mm slices, with the animal bed moving axially through the FLECT portion of the gantry over the entire region of interest, resulting in acquisition of 3D data. Once acquired, the acquired FLECT data is computationally reconstructed into a volumetric image that can be visualized in 3D.


Our Legacy


Our Legacy

TriFoil Imaging has been servicing and implementing pre-clinical instrumentation all over the world for over 10 years. We strive to move forward and provide the best consumer excellence that we always have had. You may have seen us under many different names. Here are a few:


If you would like to see some of our legacy products. Please check them out on our Products page here.